In 2 months time I will be matron of honour, and I still look pregnant!!! Time to sort out this body once and for all.
My first day at gym is a killer. I haven’t done more than take a 20 minute walk in 12 months so even looking at the treadmills is daunting. On my way out of the gym, I notice the spa. I immediately book the slimming programme, since it’s going to take more that a few buckets of sweat to whip this body into some shape other than blob.
I like this spa thing. They hook you up to some machine, then turn it on and it does its thing. After 3 sessions, my messy blob looks better and better, more contained. Even my tummy has gone down to 4 months pregnant, instead of 7.
2 weeks later, I am a size down and more that 4 kilograms down. I look so mch better. Most people are surprised at the radical change.
My first day back at work I depressing. I get home and all I get to do with LO is bath him, feeding then put him to bed. When am I going to spend time with my boy if I keep working!!!! I decide that I need a drastic change of routine. Go to gym at 5:30, work by 7:30. That way, I am home by 16:10 and I have until 19:00 to sit and play with LO. This means I have to be in bed by 21:00 latest. No more laying about in front of the TV!!!
I am not totally in my new routine yet. It’s more difficult getting to bed on time, but we will get it right eventually. LO has a blocked nose, so he tend to wake up more often. This time when he wakes up, it’s with a full blown cry. It’s not easy to sleep through that. I end up checking to see if DH needs any help. What I would do for a full night of undisturbed sleep.
Last week I decided that DH should take some of the night-feeding duties. It wasn’t very successful. Between them they make so much noise that I wake up anyway. And DH gets upset at even the smallest things, so for my LO’s sanity, and mine, I decide he takes the shifts before midnight, and I’ll take care of the rest. I have no idea how he sleeps though LO’s feedings. I just figure that while I was pregnant, I got a lot of baby-hearing hormones, cause I hear the smallest sounds he makes. I also got a lot of get-back-to-sleep hormones, cause as soon as my head hits the pillow after a feed, I’m in dreamland.
Mama Bones,
You can't imagine how surprised I was to discover that someone had already taken my identity! I've been a high school teacher and am now a college professor in Southern California and my students have called me Mama Bones for years! I finally decided to start a blog today and discovered that you exist. I have the option of spelling mine Momma Bones, but that just doesn't seem right after all these years of being Mama Bones.Crazy! Nice to meet you.
Mama Bones in So Cal.
When I started working about 12 years ago, I was very skinny. My co-workers started calling me Bones. The name just stuck. I can't seem to shake it off and I love it. Now that I'm a mom, I decided MamaBones would be most approproate. Sorry Gail, no hard feelings:)
Nice to meet you too.
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