Were having a baby!!!!
Haven't been here for a while. So, what's happened since I was last here? Well, we had a baby! The most adorable little boy you have seen. His toothless grin, could melt even the fiercest of hearts.
He didn't stick to the script when he decided to make his entrance. First of all, he was a whole week late. Instead of giving birth on 12 October, I was still pregnant on 19 October. Spent the day shopping. Around 5pm started cooking supper. I felt little cramps but since I had been feeling them for 3 weeks now, I paid them no attention. When hubby came home, I told him that I had a feeling Little One (LO) would make his entrance that day. Around 9pm, decided to take a shower, just in case we had to rush to the hospital. Also took pictures of the belly, just in case these would be the last belly pictures.
At 11pm, went to the loo and got the most searing pain I had felt in my life. I couldn’t even pinpoint exactly where it was. We were in the car within 5 minutes. Good thing those bags had been packed 3 weeks ago.
Got to the hospital and was already 7cm dilated. Man, oh man, I need drugs to take the pain away. I’m too far gone to get anything stronger than pethadine, and that does nothing for this pain. Within 30 minutes, I am fully dilated and can push. But this pushing business is not as easy as I thought. LO has decided my birth canal is more appealing than coming out into the world, so my Dr. asked if she can get the forceps. By this time, I am tired and delirious, the thought of having to get cut and have funny metal implements pushed inside me is not appealing. I tell her hell, no. If there is any cutting that is supposed to happen, it will be across my tummy, and nowhere else.
Within 45 minutes I am in the theatre, feeling nothing below my breast. A little while later, at exactly 3:40am, this alien with a squished head is held up and I am told that this is my baby. Hell no! DH and I can’t surely have produced something that looks like that! We are much cuter than that!! By the time he is brought to me, he is starting to look better and better. Yeah, that is more like it. That alien head is filling out and he looks more and more like my baby is supposed to look.
I look down at my belly and I still look 7 months pregnant. Hey, a whole person just came out of there, isn’t this belly supposed to be flat now? Well, apparently not. It takes a while and sometimes forever for one to even look half as good as they did before baby.
People file in and out of my hospital room. Nurses, family, nurses, friends, nurses. It carries on like that for 3 days. By day 2 I am ready to leave but the pediatrician will only release LO on day 3, just to be sure.
At night he lies beside me on this plastic bassinet. He looks so peaceful. Every few hours, something that sounds like a kitten mewing wakes me up. He eats for a little while then is back to sleep. During the day he sometimes stares at me. He is probably thinking, hey, she’s not as cute as I thought after all. You try looking cute a few days after having a baby!!
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