Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I've always had lots to say. I just don't always have an audience. maybe it's cause much of what I say is not pertinent to someone else, maybe I just talk too much. Discovering blogs was just perfect. That way, I can say what I want, when I want and whether someone is listening of not, it won't matter. My thought and feelings would have been recorded.

I'm no great politician, no will I pretend to be all knowing. All I know thought, is that whatever I think must be recorded. maybe someone out there will one day find it useful.

What's Mama Bones about? Well it's about me, at this point in my life. I guess being pregnant makes one start thinking too much, and my posts here will be as a result of over thinking. And being opinionated, I think all my thoughs warrant being recorded. Right now, I get a lot of "advice", even from total strangers. If it's not, don't do this, or do that, its "when I was pregnant...". When I want someone's opinion, I will give it to them!

I've spent the last 8 months consuming all the info I could about pregnancy, birth and babies. A lot of the info it just trash, some of it is very useful. Because of all the reading, I realised that each persons world is very unique to them. Each person has their own Truth, but go through life without ever finding it.

Guess I haven't made any sense, but then I don't have to. This is my blog and as long as it makes sense to me, it's perfect.