Friday, February 16, 2007

I've moved


Thursday, January 25, 2007

The lazy prick I married. While he farts around, thinking up new business ideas (read 'excuses why I am not working') I'm supposed to make sure he has a roof over his head. I found out today he is looking into contesting the settlement agreement, which he willingly signed. The only problem is that he has nothing and since he doesn't want to work, he hopes to get something if he contests it. When I met him all he had was a gym bag full of his clothes. At least now, he has a whole wardrobe and a few pieces of furniture. What a bonus. I now have to run around, find a lawyer and find out if he can pull this shit. I have a whole lot of evil thoughts concerning him going through my head at the moment.

This morning, before I found out about his shameless scheme, I had to go to the house with the police so they could take photographs for a robbery case. (some background - In July, I was held up with the baby for 2 hours at knife point. The guy has been arrested. Still in Jail. We will be going for the second day of the trial in early Feb. The judge asked for photographs so that he could see what I was talking about whenever I reffered to the house in my evidence.) Anyway, I couldn't bring myself to even greet him. His sorry friends were still sleeping - at 10:30 and they wonder why they won't have a home to live in once I boot their lazy asses out. The only reason the head-prick was up is because he had to open for us, and since the gates & doors aren't remote controlled, he had to get his ass out of bed to do it.

The house is filthy. Some of the filth doesn't look like it will ever come out. There are about 6-8 dagga plants, standing taller than me - ok, I'm not so tall at 1.5m, but still. I can't believe the cops didn't even mention them. I really wonder what would happe n if I had to report his crops to the police. (Evil thoughts are coming back - and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.) Maybe a weekend spent in the cells will knock some sense into him.

Everything else in the garden is just as overgrown. How 3 able bodied men can live in a house where the one walkway is a dead end because of overgrown weeds is beyond me. The floors look like they haven't seen a mop in a while. My how the mighty have fallen. This is the same prick who used to complain about my housekeeping.

Have I already mentioned that he is a prick? Gosh, if the fear of jail didn't keep me from doing major harm to him, the lazy bastard would probably be in a wheelchair by now.

OK, Enough hate for today.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Shit happens, and life goes on

Haven't been here for a while. So what's been happening? Lots, and nothing - all at the same time.

M is naughty as hell. Rememb er the post about wanting to sell him? Well, now I want to give him to Dr. Phil, or the nanny for 2 weeks so they can sort him out. How do you reason with, or discipline a 15 month old who doesn't understand logic? I cannot spank the back of his hand 24/7, cause that seems to be the only thing he understands at the moment.

He climbs on anything that he can get his little legs over. Yesterday while on the bed, he figure that he can just catapult himself into the campcot. There he goes, head first into it, like a flash of lightning, before I could even think the word 'No', let alone say it. I then moved the campcot far from the bed. He sit for a little while, the figures, if he moves his music tabled next to the campcot, he can again catapult himself into the bed. I'm glad he is such a clever boy. I just wish he was also clever enough to realise that breaking your neck is not as much fun as he thinks it is.

He eats everything, except the food on his plate of course. Mashed veggies, no way! Bring on a centipede and it's meal time. I' ve discovered that centipedes, sand, tree leaves (not all of them) and dirty bath water (his own) are not harmful to human beings. At least not to the one that I gave birth to 15months ago.

He is also pretty fast these days. If he even gets a hint that you are about to take something away from him, he runs to whichever other adult is in the house and hides behind them, hoping mommy will give in. Unfortunately for him, if mommy says no, its stays no. It doesn't matter what my mom or my sister have to say about it. Unless of course, mommy is being terribly unreasonable.

He loves water, in any form. Took him into the pool for the first time on christmas day. He was a bit apprehensive for the first minute, then he must have figured out that it's a bigger bath and he was happy, splashing about and trying to swim. Had huge issues trying to get him out though. Wrinkled like a prune and ska ning like a leaf, b ut Mr. Man wouldn't get out of the water. I took bribing him with sweets to get him out.

The next day he got out much easier. The time away had shaken his routine up a bit and he had issues with taking his usual naps. I think he was too tired to fight me when I took him out the water.

On the shitty side of life.

Having lots of problems getting my ex husband out of my house. Pisses me off. My son & I are currently living with while I try to evict his lazy good for nothing ass out of my house. I'm currently paying the bond for a 3 bedroom house, while I share a small bedroom with my son. All this, while he lives for free with 2 of his loser friends. I have tried to sort this out amicably, but the only way to do that, is to keep letting him stay there till he decides to either move out at his earliest convenience, or get a job so he can afford to buy the house from me. I am just sick of him living off me.

I have got someone who is organising the eviction, but south african squatter laws are over-protective of the squatters and make life difficult for the home owners. I do usnderstand why the laws were set up that way, but it still doesn't make me happy knowing that it could take 3 months to get his stinky claws out of my house. He spun me a story ab out moving out in 4 weeks time, but he has spun me so man y stories that these days they go in one ear and go out the other. Even if he is telling the truth, I feel so much rage against him at this point that I want to see his ass kicked out onto the street. I know it seems petty, but i'ts amazing what at least 6 months of being taken advantage of by an ex can bring out of someone. As men tioned previously, while I was busy trying to make sure that whatever happens, we stay on good terms, he was busy thinking, 'Oh, here's an idiot who still wants to give me a chance, so I will take as much advantage of her as I can'. I am just grateful that I don't love him anymore. I don't even pity him anymore. I just want him out of my life.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My boy sings!

Am I the only one who thinks it's amazing that a 13month-old can sing?

It's not much of a song though, 3 notes repeated a few times, then a chorus - one note, then back to the 3 core notes. The fact that he changes between the notes makes me think he is actually singing something, and not just making harmonic sounds. I wonder if he is singing something he has heard before, or he is a composer. Hmm, me thinks Beethoven must move over, my boy is taking over the music world.

Come to think of it, he is also a dancer of note. He only has one move at the moment though (the hip swinging), b ut I tell you, come a few years, he will be putting Michael Jackson to shame - just as long as he stays away from the crotch-grabbing move.

Do I start taking him for lessons now, or maybe I should just wait till he can at least feed himself, before I become one of those neurotic parents. Do I just let it all go with the flow and he ends up wasting his talents? Let me just wait a few years, then I'll see if I can afford to stop worki ng and have him support us with all the millions he will ba making from his music.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The good mother

When I was pregnant, I would read all I could about being a good mother. All the conflicting views regarding sleeping, routines, breast/bottle feeding, when to introduce solids, nappies (disposable or not), etc. Well, I now think I have found my own truths regarding being a good mother. I'll list a few of them below.

  • Most children will make it out ok, whether they are born through c-section or naturally. I read so much of the gung-ho rubbish all over the net about natural birth. I ended up going half, natural and having an emergency c-section. I breastfed successfully (without any help) 1 hour after my son's birth. I also had no issues bonding with my boy.

    If you are bound to have issues regarding bonding or breastfeeding, you will probably have them whether you go naturaly or otherwise. Don't let the military-style arguments make your mind up for you. Go with your gut feel and you will have less regrets. Either way, the baby will be born. I don't think they care much what path they take on their way out.

  • Have breasts - will feed. I think a lot of women read so much about other people's problems or fears regarding breastfeeding, they end up having issues themselves. Please remember that humans are meant to breastfeed.

    Why is it we are the only animals on earth with so many breastfeeding issues? I figure it might have to do with what society has conditioned us. Most of what we hear is about how difficult it is to get breastfeeding right. We also hear about milk coming in and let down and all that other crap. Forget that crap and you will probably have no issues with breastfeeding. If issues do come up, speak to your midwife - most hospitals have them. Forget about the milk coming in, if you are meant to have milk in those breasts, it will be there, otherwise, there's stores full of formula that you can turn to.

  • I was breastfed and I don't think I turned out exceptionally better than a friend that I know who was formula-fed. Whether you are having issues with breastfeeding, you are saving them for 'children' of legal age, want to beat the sag, or you just don't feel like breastfeeding, it's your choice. Yes, brest-milk is the best thing for a baby, but formula works well enough. Stop beating yourself up with guilt and enjoy loving your baby.

    Anyway, breastfeeding is not all it's cracked up to be. I enjoyed it immensely, but I had some uncomfortable times - having to find a private space to breastfeed for instance. I also had issues expressing enough milk, so I would end up stuck to M the whole time because I feared he would go hungry. M was also so used to breastfeeding, he refused the bottle most of the time. If I had to do it o ver again, I would probably introduce either introduce bottle feeding after 1 month - whether it's formula/breast milk will depend on your own choice/circumstance. I was also one of the lucky ones who didn't end up with cracking or bleeding nipples.

    If I had to do it all over again, I would keep breastfeeding past 6 months, except it wont be exclusive breastfeeding.

  • Routines just don't work for me. I tried a few suggestions from well known books, but watching the clock the whole time just didn't work for me. I know people who find it easier to run their lives according to routines and maybe they would be happier getting their children into a routine. I foud that when I was trying to get him into a routine, I spent most of my waking hours wondering what the time was and what the next chore was. When I got off the routine, I was a whole lot more relaxed and because I didn't expect M to act a certain way at a certain time, I found it easy to deal with him even during the difficult time.

  • Sleepless nights. Get over it they are going to happen. What helped me immensely was just going with the flow - hence no routine. I really think sleeping-through - unless you are a routine-type person, is just plain luck. M for instance wouldn't eat more than a certain amount at a time, it didn't matter how hungry he was, so either way, he ended up waking up for his bottle, sometimes more than usual. My mother, who looked after my nephew from birth till 3, followed no routines and had no special potions, but ended up with a grad-child who slept through from 2 months old.

The gist of what I'm saying is, There is no formula. Things that work for some, might not work for you. You attitude plays a bigger role than most of the formulas dictated. Go with what works for you, and you will be the best mother you can be.

Monday, October 30, 2006

1 year-old boy for sale/rent

I'm putting my boy up for sale. We'll actually, I'll pay anyone to take him between 4am till 8am every morning. He has the cutest smile, a hearty smile and his waddle as he tries to walk will melt any heart. It's just that at 4am, Mama tends to forget those things, so I want to rent him out at that time.

He used to be good in the mornings. He would sleep all the way though till 7am. Since he made friends with the birds, he has turned into a get-up-at 4:30am monster. And you know that's just when the sleep starts being really sweet. He now thinks he is the birds' (and mine) wake-up call. I've tried ignoring him, but then he screams till I put him in bed with me. He then spend 10 minutes trying to pick my nose as I try to sneak in more sleep. when he gets tired of that, a well aimed slap normally gets him thrown out of bed. He will happily play with his toys for another 10 minutes, then all hell breaks loose if I don't wake up.

Please, if you know anyone who wants to babysite between 4 - 8 am, let me know.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Just wasn't meant to be

I had a post, b ut it dissapeared, guess It wasn't ment to be.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Funny how, 365 days ago, you were but a big bump under my shirt. I had no clue what you would look like or even how much I'd come to love you. 365 days ago, nothing else in the world mattered much, except you coming into this world safe & sound.

365 days later, and I realise the way I imagined you all those days ago, is nothing like you. You are beautiful, more beautiful that I could have ever imagined. Never would I have imagined that you'd have such a fiesty, bubbly personality. And that laugh, I nev er imagined that it would so touch my heart.

I never had a clue how much you would mean to me, how much joy you would bring to me and how much pain I would feel on those days when I can't make yours go away.

Happy birthday my boy

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

It'll pass

A lady on my favourite mommy chat forums has been complaining about her daughter's reflux. A few people (including me) gave their advice & suggestions and then ended off with "It'l pass". I remember when those words could have driven me to murder. When you are sitting with a child who throws everything up and seems to be in pain after every feed, It'll pass does jack for you. But now I know that it will pass - I just have to remember not to say it again to someone who is IN the rough patch.

Besides the reflux, I spent time hoping the sleepless night will also pass. I figure by the time he starts school he should be sleeping through. To keep myself sane through the night feeding, I tell myself that he is not doing it on purpose. Sometimes it helps, but sometimes i feel like running away and sleeping outside as soon as he wakes up. Sanity (the little that I still posess) take over and I either feed him or comfrt him and get back into bed hoping he doesn't wake up again till morning.

What has passed so far?
The fascination with all the cheap silly toys, much to my chargrin. He has a whole bucket full of them and within 2 minutes he is bored of the bucket and needs something else. Hopefully the presents this weekend (his first birthday) will sort that little issue out, even if only for a short while.

Lying helplessly while I change his nappy has also passed. He now fights me from the second his back hits the changing mat. Sometimes I can distract him. Sometimes I really think about getting little handcuffs attached to the changing table for those really difficult sessions. Of course they would be padded!

Some things haven't passed though, m uch to my joy.
Well, for one, being able to leave him to entertain himself for more than 20 minutes while I try and get supper, bath, or just the obligatory loo visit sorted out.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Oh what a tragedy

A father, who was supposed to drop his child off at creche, unintentionally left him in the car for the whole day under the baking sun. The poor boy didn't make it.

Read the story here

I can't imagine what this poor family is going through. The blame and giult that each party must feel must be traumatic. Lets hope they hold it together and make it through this ok.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Stay in bed!!

M has just started a very bad habbit. You see, I love sleeping in. Since I had M I haven't slept past 7:30am, but I could live with that. For the past 5 mornings M has been waking up at 5. The birds aren't even up yet!! Ok they are but he is not a bird!! If I wasn't ani unnecessary meds I'd give him some at 4, so at least he stays asleep till 7. Tomorrow is Saturday. If I want to stay sane for the day, I'd better get into bed as soon as I put him to bed.

Another mommy was telling me that her LO has never slept past 6, and she is now 2 years old. How she hasn't yet killed anyone is a mystery to me. Once in a while I forget the housework & dishes and full nappy bin and take a nap with M. That's the only thing that keeps me sane. My mom has been promising to take him overnight, but I think the though of waking up multiple times at night and still waking up early is making her drag her feet. It scared the living daylights out of me and I have no choice.

Yesterday I put him in the bed next to me. When he woke up, I gave him a bottle and went back to sleep. I then spent 15 minutes trying to ignore his carryings on next to me. When he got tired of trying to get my attention nnicely, he slapped me awake. As soon as I opened my eyes, he plants a big wet, sloppy kiss on my lips and gives me the biggest smile. Who could be mad a bout being slapped if that's the reward? That smile is going to break hearts one day i tell you.

Besides the early wake up calls, one more thing worries me. Actually, it used to worry me, now I just wonder why it happens. What is it about dirty bath water that makes my boy want to slurp it all up? I've figured out that it wont kill him - it hasn't since he started slurping it about 5 months ago - I've now added watered down aqeous cream to the list of safe foods. But I still can't figure out what fascinates him so. But the again, I still can't figure out what it is about emptying the kitchen bin that fascinates him.

At first I thought it was the bubbles that he tried to eat. But now he has started doing it in clean water, so there goes my theory. The water goes up his nose (one less part of the body to clean) and sometimes goes into his eyes - he hasn't yet figured out that if he closes his eyes he can sort this little problem out. When his little face comes up from the water, the killer smile is now even more dangerous. Sometimes I think he questions why I don't join him - quizzing eyes and lots of babble - but since I'm not proficeient in M-talk yet - I can't be sure. Maybe he is just telling me how wonderful the water tastes. I really hope he doesn't pee in the water, the thought of him drinking watered-down & peed on aqeous cream is enough to stop baths till he can understand that he is not supposed to drink the water. But then I either have to sponge him off till then, or live with mouldy baby smell. I'll take my chances with the pee.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Baby on back

Yesterday afternoon thera was a cash-in-transit heist in the middle of Joburg town. At the same time, a mother with her 1 year old on her back was walking in the area. Amid the gunshots, she realised that her back was wet. This was from the childs blood.

How many more people have to die before the goverment does something about the crime rate? The police department is busy building and updgrading mortuaries for all the dead bodies instead of upgrading their systems and people so they can catch the criminals and therefore decrease the murders going on.

If Thabo Mbeki concentrated more on crime, than how arrogant people were, maybe this country would be the dream that all it's residents (except the politicians) want it to be.

Monday, October 09, 2006

How things change

It's been a while since I was here. A lot has chnaged in those 7 months.
I have since gotten divorced - 31 July. I also moved in with my mom while I sell the house - to move to a smaller. Xh is staying at my house - that's a whole other post.

LO is doing great. He started walking on 30 September, just19 days short of his first birthday. He still has no teeth though, not even one. He laughs, he gives kisses, he waves and most days he is healthy. Once in a while an ear infection or a blocked nose bother's him, but he is generally a healthy lovable child.

Good thing he is so lovable, because he loves attention, and he gets it. Not just from me, but from anyone who has the pleasure of meeting him. He gives the biggest smiles to strangers, takes my money out of my wallet at till-points to give to cashiers, waves to anyone who looks at him. And don't they just give him a lot of love back. It's probably something that every mother says, but I haven't met anyone who doesn't like him.

He loves dogs. I'm not yet sure how they feel about him yet - haven't wanted to let him near the neighbour's dogs yet. He even knows how to 'woo-woo', just like them. On Saturday I took him for a walk down the road and it was a fight to keep him from going right up to the dogs behind the fences. I just wouldn't want his precious fingers to get bittned by one of them, so I keep him from them. A friend's dog is having babies within the next week, so I'll take him there to go play with the little ones. I just home the mommy lets us.

I'm doing ok. I have great days, and I have some days when i just wonder how things will work out in the long run. Getting divorced was the best thing I could have done, but now I have to deal with XH - because of LO. At first things were great between us. The problem came when he missed his first rent payment (remember he is living in my house). With all the accusations of my selfishness flying around, I have decided to let him stay at the house and I will put it on the market on 1 November. I hope he will be willing to let the agent and potential buyers in to see the house, but if he doesn't, I have someone who will kick him out. I'll then have to put my stuff in storage and get a security guard to look after the house while it's been sold. Either way, his living situation is not my problem anymore.

I promise to update here pretty often. Promise.

Monday, March 13, 2006

In 2 months time I will be matron of honour, and I still look pregnant!!! Time to sort out this body once and for all.

My first day at gym is a killer. I haven’t done more than take a 20 minute walk in 12 months so even looking at the treadmills is daunting. On my way out of the gym, I notice the spa. I immediately book the slimming programme, since it’s going to take more that a few buckets of sweat to whip this body into some shape other than blob.

I like this spa thing. They hook you up to some machine, then turn it on and it does its thing. After 3 sessions, my messy blob looks better and better, more contained. Even my tummy has gone down to 4 months pregnant, instead of 7.

2 weeks later, I am a size down and more that 4 kilograms down. I look so mch better. Most people are surprised at the radical change.

My first day back at work I depressing. I get home and all I get to do with LO is bath him, feeding then put him to bed. When am I going to spend time with my boy if I keep working!!!! I decide that I need a drastic change of routine. Go to gym at 5:30, work by 7:30. That way, I am home by 16:10 and I have until 19:00 to sit and play with LO. This means I have to be in bed by 21:00 latest. No more laying about in front of the TV!!!

I am not totally in my new routine yet. It’s more difficult getting to bed on time, but we will get it right eventually. LO has a blocked nose, so he tend to wake up more often. This time when he wakes up, it’s with a full blown cry. It’s not easy to sleep through that. I end up checking to see if DH needs any help. What I would do for a full night of undisturbed sleep.

Last week I decided that DH should take some of the night-feeding duties. It wasn’t very successful. Between them they make so much noise that I wake up anyway. And DH gets upset at even the smallest things, so for my LO’s sanity, and mine, I decide he takes the shifts before midnight, and I’ll take care of the rest. I have no idea how he sleeps though LO’s feedings. I just figure that while I was pregnant, I got a lot of baby-hearing hormones, cause I hear the smallest sounds he makes. I also got a lot of get-back-to-sleep hormones, cause as soon as my head hits the pillow after a feed, I’m in dreamland.
So Mr. Man is here and my world is up-side-down.

I spend the first 7 days out of the hospital at my mom’s. You see, in my culture, when you are having a baby, especially the first, you go home to your mom so that she can help you with LO while you recover. She is also supposed to show you how to take care of living, breathing dolls.

Mrs madam here has done so much research the she even shows momma a trick or 2. You see, when my mom was having babies, more that half a century ago, the y used to give little people water from when they are a few days old. Now the belief is that water is bad for their little livers and they can live without it for up to 6 months. Trying to convince my mom doesn’t work. Eventually a pharmacist settles the argument, in my favour I must add. My mom calls me professor from that day.

DH comes to pick us up, and I wonder is there is space for the baby in the car. Between the bags of clothing (mainly baby’s) , the camp cot and all the other baby-must-haves, it a squeeze to get the car seat in, let alone baby.
I get home and the house is a mess. Leaving DH at home alone for more that 10 days was not a good idea. When LO is sleeping, I start cleaning up the house. DH feels really bad that I have to come to a dirty house. At least LO’s room is clean.

For the next month, not much cleaning of the house takes place. My only concern is that LO is clean (body and bum), my nipples are clean (LO can’t eat with dirty plates), LO is fed and I am fed. Everything else takes a back seat. I really need to find some help!
Dishes get washed once in a while. I am too scared to take a shower when I am alone in the house, in case LO wakes up and I don’t hear him. My teeth get brushed at almost lunch time, and I live on cereal.

We eventually find someone to help us out when LO is a month old. The first day after she cleans, I marvel at how in one day, someone can sort out the whole house. There is still a lot of laundry, but at least it is not lying all over the house. It’s all in one place, waiting it’s turn in the machine.

LO wakes up more than 4 times a night. I read other peoples post about how their LO’s only wake up twice a night. I must be doing something wrong. He seems happy though. He makes little noises, I pick him up, feed him and put him back in his cot. All this is done with LO’s eyes tightly closed.
Were having a baby!!!!

Haven't been here for a while. So, what's happened since I was last here? Well, we had a baby! The most adorable little boy you have seen. His toothless grin, could melt even the fiercest of hearts.

He didn't stick to the script when he decided to make his entrance. First of all, he was a whole week late. Instead of giving birth on 12 October, I was still pregnant on 19 October. Spent the day shopping. Around 5pm started cooking supper. I felt little cramps but since I had been feeling them for 3 weeks now, I paid them no attention. When hubby came home, I told him that I had a feeling Little One (LO) would make his entrance that day. Around 9pm, decided to take a shower, just in case we had to rush to the hospital. Also took pictures of the belly, just in case these would be the last belly pictures.

At 11pm, went to the loo and got the most searing pain I had felt in my life. I couldn’t even pinpoint exactly where it was. We were in the car within 5 minutes. Good thing those bags had been packed 3 weeks ago.

Got to the hospital and was already 7cm dilated. Man, oh man, I need drugs to take the pain away. I’m too far gone to get anything stronger than pethadine, and that does nothing for this pain. Within 30 minutes, I am fully dilated and can push. But this pushing business is not as easy as I thought. LO has decided my birth canal is more appealing than coming out into the world, so my Dr. asked if she can get the forceps. By this time, I am tired and delirious, the thought of having to get cut and have funny metal implements pushed inside me is not appealing. I tell her hell, no. If there is any cutting that is supposed to happen, it will be across my tummy, and nowhere else.

Within 45 minutes I am in the theatre, feeling nothing below my breast. A little while later, at exactly 3:40am, this alien with a squished head is held up and I am told that this is my baby. Hell no! DH and I can’t surely have produced something that looks like that! We are much cuter than that!! By the time he is brought to me, he is starting to look better and better. Yeah, that is more like it. That alien head is filling out and he looks more and more like my baby is supposed to look.

I look down at my belly and I still look 7 months pregnant. Hey, a whole person just came out of there, isn’t this belly supposed to be flat now? Well, apparently not. It takes a while and sometimes forever for one to even look half as good as they did before baby.

People file in and out of my hospital room. Nurses, family, nurses, friends, nurses. It carries on like that for 3 days. By day 2 I am ready to leave but the pediatrician will only release LO on day 3, just to be sure.

At night he lies beside me on this plastic bassinet. He looks so peaceful. Every few hours, something that sounds like a kitten mewing wakes me up. He eats for a little while then is back to sleep. During the day he sometimes stares at me. He is probably thinking, hey, she’s not as cute as I thought after all. You try looking cute a few days after having a baby!!