Monday, October 30, 2006

1 year-old boy for sale/rent

I'm putting my boy up for sale. We'll actually, I'll pay anyone to take him between 4am till 8am every morning. He has the cutest smile, a hearty smile and his waddle as he tries to walk will melt any heart. It's just that at 4am, Mama tends to forget those things, so I want to rent him out at that time.

He used to be good in the mornings. He would sleep all the way though till 7am. Since he made friends with the birds, he has turned into a get-up-at 4:30am monster. And you know that's just when the sleep starts being really sweet. He now thinks he is the birds' (and mine) wake-up call. I've tried ignoring him, but then he screams till I put him in bed with me. He then spend 10 minutes trying to pick my nose as I try to sneak in more sleep. when he gets tired of that, a well aimed slap normally gets him thrown out of bed. He will happily play with his toys for another 10 minutes, then all hell breaks loose if I don't wake up.

Please, if you know anyone who wants to babysite between 4 - 8 am, let me know.

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